STABB666's Journal

STABB666's Journal


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41 entries this month


22:26 Jul 31 2006
Times Read: 820

These are some of the less distressing photos of southern Lebanon.




19:51 Jul 31 2006
Times Read: 831

I realise that I'm a bit of an old school cyber-phreak, but I really, really get pissed off with people who insist in typing all in caps.

It's really only a desperate 'look at me' statement. I never even bother reading whatever it says...

And in my opinion, it's just being an obnoxious little fuckwit.

Whatever is happening to netiquette, eh?

Where's my walking cane?

Oh! Me back!

Kids nowadays- what is the world coming to?





I know my own mind...

19:35 Jul 31 2006
Times Read: 833

This is just a copy of my forum post on the subject of vampyre creation.

I liked it, so I'm keeping it for posterity.

I hope that this might dispell some of the roleplay ideas that seem to be creeping ever further into VR.

"I'm coming to the conclusion that energy vampyres and blood vampyres are two entirely different concepts, both of creation and ongoing methods of awakening.

The way I currently understand it, is that energy vampyrism is a result of an 'otherkin' (for want of a better word and using a commonly understood term), interference in the structure of the energy system of a human being.

This then partially imprints, or interweaves the pattern of the otherkin being with that of the human soul, creating a hybrid super-natural creature.

This change, or adjustment, as it is also known, has numerous effects, primary of which, is the increased capability to reincarnate within a descendant, who carries the DNA pattern which was originally fused.

A part of that process allows for at least the partial recovery of past life memories, which can be perceived as a psuedo-immortality.

Additionally, the altering of the energy sytem to create the hybrid, also forces a disconnection from 'g*d', probably in the chakra which holds people to the cycle of death rebirth- the returning to the universal god-being and birthing into the new life, which causes the soul not to return to the whole and instead, retain it's personae and wait for the opportunity to reincarnate in a human body capable of sustaining it's life in physicality.

The resultant factor of this, is that the disconnection reduces, or perhaps eliminates entirely, the flow of energy between the otherkin/human hybrid and the universe, creating an energy deficient state, which requires additional sources of sustaining life force in order to survive.

I feel that blood vampyres cannot be created through this method, but instead, would be more likely to inherit the trait genetically, of the 'bloodline' as it were. Other than my assuming opinion based on conversations with those kind, I have researched little into the creation of blood drinking vampyres.

But the interesting convergence between the two 'archetypes', is the moral authority which is upheld by members of both communities, such as the Black Veil.

In summary, I would agree that a blood, or 'sanguine' vampyre is likely only born into that condition, but that an energy, or 'psychic' vampyre, can not only be born as a desecndant of an original otherkin manipulation, but can be created anew through use of the original ritual."




01:09 Jul 31 2006
Times Read: 839

This is a cool tattoo site...

I like them on other people, but never had one. Never really wanted one, but have a design if ever I did get one done.

Some cool stuff here.





Pretty pictures

21:29 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 851

This site is very cool...




Bombs over...Lebanon...

17:48 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 860

Isreali Assault gathers pace.




04:29 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 884

*goes into shutting the fuck up mode*

I removed the journal entries, just to make sure that I'm following my own advice.


thanks again...lol




Ghost Town

02:59 Jul 30 2006
Times Read: 888

Thora Birch. Is a strange woman.

I like her.

In the movie Ghost Town. I thought that I'd hate it. But it turns out that if I were to be a woman, I'd probably have been born as Thora Birch's character, in this movie.

But I wasn't, by the way. Just in case people misunderstand.

I don't have any boobies.





22:35 Jul 29 2006
Times Read: 912

I am refusing to discuss this subject any further. I hope that this pleases you.




Journals of depth.

17:21 Jul 29 2006
Times Read: 950

These are some journals that are less widely read, but make good reading for me.

I hope that whomever reads this entry will enjoy their content as much as I do.













What colour is that hand?

02:44 Jul 29 2006
Times Read: 984

I see a lot of new profiles lately that all have a common theme.


Some are referred by others, but some more just have the same demeanor and purpose.

I'm watching them. You, if you are one of them and reading this, which is possible, yet unlikely, unless you log out first.

Doesn't the use of the word them seem all like, spooky and dramatic?

Well, it's not meant to be, it's just my notifying those responsible that I am aware and I won't bite until I can get a good chunk with it.

*whistles tunelessly*




01:45 Jul 29 2006
Times Read: 989

Bonita, Florida.

Naples, Florida.

Mumbai, India.

Beijing, China.

Hong Kong.

Somewhere unpronouncable and equally unspellable in Japan.

These are the places I might have to go to for work.

I'm trying to make it to others off my own back, but need to save again. Destitution hit my bank account hard.




Uh oh...

23:00 Jul 28 2006
Times Read: 1,005

I just realised that we also have a server in Bonita...California. And an office there. Which means that by the time Japan goes online next year, I'll have coast to coast servers under my root access, from one end of the earth to the other...

Muh ha ha ha ha ha!


Be good.


I am a good STABB.


I will not abuse my position


I am a slave.


And I am happy.






21:16 Jul 28 2006
Times Read: 1,007

"Good friends are like stars....You don't always see them, but you know they are always there."

~ Unknown

Thank you




Komodo Dragons

20:54 Jul 28 2006
Times Read: 1,009

These lizards are awesome. Truly an impressive beast, deserving of the name "Dragon".

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting




Work, work, work.

20:56 Jul 27 2006
Times Read: 1,025

Ok, it's nearly the end of my first week.

So far, I've hardly had time to think. Which is just as well, since I'd consider that they aren't paying me enough.

I'm now admining a global WAN that stretches from Florida, through the UK and India and on into China, with Japan on the horizon.

This includes seventeen servers and several hundred users, backups, an exchange server, printers, creating build images and a host of 'other duties'.

Not to mention that next week, I'll be Running the whole network on my own. Followed by the transfer to an Exchange cluster, which I'll have to build. But theeeen, I have to help set up a datacentre.

And yet, I still have to order toner for myself. What a weird-ass job...




Friendly fire?

19:56 Jul 26 2006
Times Read: 1,037

Today, Isreal bombed a UN outpost.

Well, I say bombed, but that doesn't quite explain what that means. CNN said 'bombed' too and didn't really elaborate on what that entailed.

Six hours+ of continuous shelling, numerous smart bombs and four dead Un observers, after continuous calls to the Isreali military for them to stop.

And then... They shelled the Indian peacekeeping force as they were trying to rescue the UN observers.

An accident?

Not likely, unless as a result of the kind of gross incompetance not seen since the US invaded Iraq the first time around.

How can an army commander 'accidentally' order a barrage against a clearly marked UN installation, which is pinpointed on every map and who's exact location has been widely known for years?

As a result, no other nation with any sizeable military force, is going to ever want to step in between Isreal and the rest of Arabia. Nobody is willing to risk a run up against the US by default.

This world desrves to end.





08:38 Jul 26 2006
Times Read: 1,046

It seems that mine is not the only one wearing thin.

I'm waiting for Jerry Springer to start asking people onto his 'show'...





00:39 Jul 26 2006
Times Read: 1,049

Well, my second day of my new job was less fun than the first, but hey...

I've been away talking about things I'd like to discuss in the VR forums, but it really does feel like an uphill struggle sometimes.

I'm not sure what it is that's caused the sudden excommunication, but I assume it's because I've been offline for a while and came back with an attitude which has upset some people.


To be frank, I'm tired. So damn tired that I feel like sleeping all the time. But I'm also too damn hot to sleep, leaving me with a bit of a problem.

And it's still lonely here. Conversation with people is limited to casual 'how are you's?'

It's becoming harder and harder to relate to people that were once as close as family to me.

And the only real family, my own blood, are not here.

I miss talking to those that once called me friend.

But I cannot be expected to make everyone happy all of the time. I also can't be expected to act on others behalf without instruction from those people.

So what to do?





17:15 Oct 08 2009

You make me happy always.


CBS News.

01:45 Jul 22 2006
Times Read: 1,055

I managed to catch this evening's episode on a repeat.

They led with the rockets against Isreal.

Close up graphic pictures of the damage and people hurt.

This was after a few seconds of clip showing an Isreali airstrike upon Lebanon at distance.

The some shots of soldiers getting kit together and... end.

I've seen the videos from Lebanon and they are a whole lot more distressing than anything CBS is likely to air, it seems.

Whole buildings levelled. Massive craters, bridges blown, fuel and power plants levelled.

And the casualty count ten times that of Isreal.

Though its not for me that one dead is worth less than ten dead.




Getting worse...

19:25 Jul 21 2006
Times Read: 1,059

Isreali ground forces are inside Lebanon, four divisions ready to launch a full-scale invasion.

A suicide (see homocide) bomber has been caught trying to get into Tel Aviv, with maybe another on the loose.

This is going to reach the point of no return very soon.




More to come.

07:36 Jul 21 2006
Times Read: 1,065

Etheopian troops have entered western Somalia, in response to the Islamic Councils moving on the 'government' (hah!) of Somalia.

There is a long history between predominantly Christian and at one time, Jewish Etheopia and the chaotic state of Somalia.

Guess who backs Etheopia?

The US of A.

Guess who tried to take control of Somalia once already?

The US of A.

Another Christians vs Islamists fight shaping up, this time just over the red sea from Saudi.

I may start a book on which conflict zone will flare up next.

Nigeria's looking good for 2-1 favourite...

I'll give 10-1 that Syria gets bombed at least once. 'Accidentally', of course. I hope it doesn't happen and I ought ont to make light of this new war, but it's either that or I'd smash something.




"Are you saying that I'm being fooled?"

06:55 Jul 21 2006
Times Read: 1,066

I picked this link up from smoke and mirrors.

Very good reading for those that want to believe.




New beginnings...

13:21 Jul 19 2006
Times Read: 1,082

Well, I have taken a job today.

I'm now a systems analyst for a business who set up shell companies for other businesses looking to expand internationally.

Offices in USA, UK, China, India and soon Japan too.

Opportunity to travel and learn.

Pay is ok too.

Woo. Go me.

Why am I less excited than I feel I ought to be?





12:16 Jul 19 2006
Times Read: 1,086

Life does take all sorts, does it not?

Sometimes I do wonder how people come to these ideas.

"Nyctomancers (aka. Vigilantes, Justicars, or Dark Mages) take Evil into their souls with the sole purpose of visiting it upon the Evil themselves. In their pursuit of Justice, they often become just as tainted by Evil as those they pursue. They are often disturbed individuals driven by emotion and obsessed with revenge."

Look out... Behind yooo...




Join Us!!!

13:39 Jul 18 2006
Times Read: 1,106

I totally forgot about this...

There is a thang going round the net at the moment, where on the 10th August, at 5pm GMT (12 noon EST), everyone in the world has to put on James Brown - War, open all their windows and turn up their stereos.

So far, I've hit five forums and all my onlime gamer friends and some of them already knew about it.

I've covered WoW, Battlefield 2 and asked someone to do city of hero's for me.

Someone is doing Deviant Art already...

I'm making email rounds too, so...

Tell everyone you know. This is a global protest. We want to show that we won't take this shit anymore.

Ever heard of a movie called 'Network'?

Made in the seventies. Top notch critical examination of the mass media mindset, even back then, it was fucked up.

Similar idea, but with James Brown playing. Tell it like it is people. You want to stop the war, then join us and let your neighbours, your politicians, your bosses and the world know it.

Democracy is dead- free speech is our only recourse.

And what better way is it expressed than in music?

PM me if you will, email all your friends, post in all your forums. Write to your MP, your congressman, your local radio station. Make it happen, make the world take notice that we, the people, 'aren't gonna take this any more'.





00:21 Jul 18 2006
Times Read: 1,120

Yes, I am.

I can't help that, because it's my true opinons.

I have a big mouth and a strong sense of social justice.

I'm an ultra-leftist Universalistic pacifist.

That doesn't mean that I don't respect those that fight, but that I disagree with their reasons for fighting.

I have been in a shed-load of fights in my life and I've been surrounded by violence all my life. And you know what?

I'm sick of it.

Nations used to fight over land and honour.

They now fight at the whim of corporate directors and financial investors.

So those of us who's family are expected to go to war for a cause, suffer that loss because a group of already wealthy business families wish to make some money.

Or is that what it really is about?

Ok, probably the oil is a great boon, as well as the economic boost from the military industrial estate.

But perhaps this is all mere coating on the idealogical rift which is fast beginning to shine it's murky light.

Mr Bush proclaimed after Sep 11 that this was to be operation "Infinite Crusade." They soon canned that and gagged him from making up any more operation titles. Ha ha.

But what exactly did he mean by that?

He is well known for his reborn status and very black and white position on all things religious, such as right to life, contraception, marriage.

But what about those around them. Well, I seriously doubt that rumsfeld and Cheney are of any faith that doesn't have $ stamped on it.

But there are others behind them, their political powerbase. The Christian midwest and deep south. Not forgetting the Isreali alliance.

The US government has placed themselves at the heart of the fundamental ideals of the judeao-christian system.

So have the Islamist leaders. They have the same formula, but with a Theocratic, rather than democratic system.

And now both are facing one another over the sand.

How on Earth did we allow this to get this far?

We protested before the Iraq war, it failed.

No-one really batted an eyelid when the US went into Afganistan. But they are paying serious attention now. The British army doesn't send in the Para's unless it knows they're up for a fight.

So we have the US with a foot stuck deep in two of the most notorious killing feilds on the planet.

Why could we even believe that the Afgans would welcome back the British, after kicking us out already...

And why would they be afraid of America, when they kicked the Soviets square in the nuts?

I feel for the Lebanese. Their country has always been the battleground between Islam and Christianity. And it probably always will be.

Nobody really wants to fight around Jerusalem nowadays, in case something important gets blown up. But I remember invasion of Lebanon when I was little. I remember when they kidnapped Terry Waite and the same pictures of plumes of black smoke that we have today.

For three days of that war, which I never knew as a child, but am thankful of now, Christian militias killed a great many refugees whilst the Isreali army watched.

Since I learned of this as a teen, I've always opposed war. Because it made me learn of the other tragedies which humanity has birthed.

The first world war, the Holocaust, the Armenians, Africa, Central America, Palestine, Cambodia, India, China, America...on and on, we never cease in this horrendous quest for annihilation.

So why do we? One would think that humanity would have gotten tired, if not bored of killing his brother.

But apparently, we can always find a reason for war. But when that reason becomes profit, or the propogation of an ideology 'by other means', then it becomes unreasonable by any rational thought.

Which makes our leaders decisions irrational.

There is no easy way out. And certain quarters are attempting to fit prophecy to event, driving us headlong towards the end.




16:29 Jul 17 2006
Times Read: 1,131

Britain now has two SAM destroyers off the shores of Lebanon, with an Aircraft Carrier and an Amphibious Assault force of several hundred marines en-route.

The French Prime Minister has arrived in Beruit direct from the G8 summit.

Kofi Annan and Tony Blair have both said that a UN peacekeeping force ought to be sent.

Hezbollah have continued to rain rockets upon northern Isreal, killing and wounding many, as have the Isreali airstrikes continued to kill and destroy infrastructure.

In yet another escalation, Isreal has targeted and killed Lebanese soldiers north of Tripoli.

Tripoli is not in any way linked to the hezbollah movement, so one can only wonder why they are striking targets outside of their stated aim.

Iran has sent their foreign minister to Syria in a show of solidarity.

Isreal has, however, softened it's requirements for a ceasefire, to that of demanding only now the release of the captured soldiers.

Unfortunately, Hezbollah refuses to release them until Palestinian and Lebanese prisoners held in Isreali prisons, many of them women and children, a large number without charge and yet more who have completed their sentence, but refused release, have been freed first.

Back in Gaza, Isreal bombed the Foreign Ministry building, completely levelling it.

Oil is driving over $78 per barrel, which will surely translate into higher pump prices any day now.

It's amazing to me how people will take to the streets to demonstrate for having to pay a high price for their blood-stained petrol, but care little when rogue states scoff at their legal and moral responsibilities.




The Curious Mystery of the Bernadel Fiddle.

19:43 Jul 16 2006
Times Read: 1,142

It's 1853, Paris.

A violin maker is commissioned to construct a replacement fiddle for a gentleman, one of some substance.

For this was to be produced from the famous workshop of Sébastien Philippe Bernadel's family, ordered to a custom design.

Which is odd, for a maker creates his own art and usually, a case is bought or made to fit the instrument.

But in this instance, the case already existed and was empty. We can only wonder where the original contents disappeared to.

The most curious thing about this case, however, was it's age and design. A finely polished mahogany, with silk lined interior in a fine eggshell blue. It's handle a heavy gothic brass design, reminiscent of the Twelfth Century.

It was shaped like a coffin.




Ship shape and Bristol fashion!

23:23 Jul 15 2006
Times Read: 1,165

HMS Illustrious has been despatched to the Lebanese coast, apparently to help evacuate British nationals.

So what?

Well, other than trident, it's one of Britains' most deadly fighting forces.

Another notch is reached in tension.

Today, Russia took a radically different position to the US.

At a press conference, Putin slung a stinging criticism at Bush during a live press conference. Slating the state of Iraq's 'democracy' in response to Bush's criticism of Russia's own political situation.

It really does seem to me that the US government fails to understand on a continual basis, that the rest of the world have their own opinions of what constitutes 'freedom'.

And I'm certain that the Patriot Act I and II are not included in those ideas, nor Paul Wolfowitz's foreign policy document.

This man now heads up the IMF, just as UK chancellor Gordon Brown did at the time of invading Iraq.

It's amazing how these two high level, government officials, are able to avoid a conflict of interest when working both sides of the fence.

Not that they are the only ones.

I've run out of rant-time for today. Time for beer and fun.




Superman Returns...

08:22 Jul 15 2006
Times Read: 1,177

No, I'm back already... (har har hardy har)


But It ought to be downloaded in less than an hour.

The real annoying thang, is that I have no chance of staying awake that long.

If anyone has an insomnia remedy...and a cure for back pain, I'm open to anything at this point.





Killing Bill

04:19 Jul 15 2006
Times Read: 1,186

Over the past few days, I've been watching Kill Bill I and II.

A few moments struck a deep chord with me.

One was the scene where Budd asks Elle whch 'R' she feels- relief, or regret.

This is over her not having the chance to face Beatrice. Elle choses regret and watches as Budd dies from a snake bite.

I too feel the regret more deeply than the relief.

But the one scene that hits me hardest, which drives into the very heart of my sorrow, is near the end, when Beatrice is about to face Bill.

She approaches the door and as she bursts through, is faced with the immutable vision of her daughter, standing there as real and as innocent as it is possible to be- and doubly as beautiful.

That moment, that bittersweet joy, describes with perfection the moment which is still, as yet, denied me.

But I know that it will come. It just means that I will have to work it out.



17:22 Oct 08 2009

Let's work for that moment together.


22:36 Jul 14 2006
Times Read: 1,197

Hezbollah leader vows 'open war'

I'm reminded of one of my favourite Iron Maiden tracks.




Big Brother

22:10 Jul 14 2006
Times Read: 1,199

I detest that program.

But I did feel a tad sorry for the young girl that was voted out tonight.

She was direct and honest and though she moaned a bit, she told it like it was and was pretty amusing with it.

Poor girl was terrified when she came out and totally stunned by the reception that she got.

For the first time, I actually saw a point to this show. Or at least a brief glimpse of what it used to be about. Real people in unreal situations.




Perhaps I really am not a nice person.

22:05 Jul 14 2006
Times Read: 1,200

I can be an arrogant, narcissistic and obnoxiously sarcastic twat sometimes.




Do I have 'idiot' tattooed on my forehead?

18:04 Jul 14 2006
Times Read: 1,202

I'm not sure why, but as I said to someone recently; 'I think some people take me for a blind fool.'

I will not be drawn into other peoples drama. I've enough of my own that I want rid of, so no more trying to sway my opinions of people please.

And if I wish to explain myself, my choices and actions, I will do so, but I won't be spilling my private life to any old body.

Pumping me for info to feed to other people, will surely only result in your taking what I choose to feed you, away to someone that probably won't enjoy eating it.

This is bullshit that also ought to stop.

Or perhaps I can start writing 'VR: The Soap Opera'.





02:47 Jul 14 2006
Times Read: 1,213

The US today blocked a UN resolution to censure both Isreal and Palestinian militant factions and calling on Isreal to immediately withdraw troops, whilst also levelling the accusation at Isreal of inflicting collective and disproportionate punishment upon a civilian population.

Again, we find another attempt tp reign in the rogue Isreali state shot down by the US of A.

This is simply another demonstration of the toothless bear of the UN being sneered at by those who hold the pursestrings.




Are we on the same planet?

14:30 Jul 13 2006
Times Read: 1,224

US Presidente, George W Bush, today called on Isreal to show 'restraint' and accused the 'terrorists' of provoking a dangerous escalation.

One of the big, big problems we have here, is that the US has painted itself into a corner.

Now up to it's knees in blood in Iraq and desperately trying to hand over Afganistan to NATO and the UK, America has listed Hezbollah and Hamas as terrorist organisations, which, coupled with the long held policy of never negotiating with 'terrorists', means that they have no option but to label them 'enemy combatants', resulting in their falling into this legal black hole recently declared illegal by the US supreme court.

This morning, Isreal bombed Beirut International Airport, destroyed roads and villages and killed dozens of civilians.

Eight Isreali soldiers have also been killled and a woman hit by a Hezbollah rocket. Both sides are spoiling for a fight and Isrel has told people to leave the area of Southern Beirut, a well known stronghold of Hezbollah, making the Isreal request a deliberate insult, as they would never leave what has become their home for the pst few decades.

Add to this the movement of ground forces into southern Lebanon and the continual shelling of the border area, we find ourselves in a precarious situation, one far more inflammatory than either Iraq or Afganistan.

This is a battle for the Holy Land- nobody gave a shit about secular Iraq, who fought the devoutly Islamic state of Iran for many years.

But Palestine, thats a whole other ball game.

It's not looking good. Though I don't wish to seem a doomsayer, I wonder exactly what people are hearing about this over in the US. Because it seems to me that the third world war is starting in front of their faces and nobody is paying a blind bit of notice.




Rating is soooo important...

12:58 Jul 13 2006
Times Read: 1,232

Why do I have to continually keep having to explain my ratings to people?

Is 8 really a low rating?

Or even 7, 6?

5 is an average between 1 and ten. My average is about 6.

Why do some have this expectancy of a perfect 10?

I wouldn't give a perfect score to a gymnast that makes an error, so why should I do so for a web page that doesn't work for me?

I rate people's profile based on it's overall completeness and the impression of that persons being it brings to me.

Don't like my rating? Sorry, but thats my choice. If you talk to me about it civily, I may be inclined to change it, once I get to know a person.

Threaten, abuse, blackmail and whine at me and I'm more likely to make it lower.

And since when was it a requirement that I be a nice sheep and follow the trend of exchanging ten ratings with people?




War! Huh!? What is it good for!?

18:57 Jul 12 2006
Times Read: 1,247

...Absolutely Nuthin!

Say it again now!

In amongst our drama's, trials and tribulations, we see over here in the UK, news that Hezbollah, the Militant faction of exiled Palestinian peoples, has entered and fought skirmishes with Isreal on their northern border.

Two more Isreali soldiers have been captured.

Isreal has declared that this is an act of war. And has subsequently shelled and used airstrikes against targets inside Lebanon.

Quite rightly, this has sent shockwaves through the region and the attentive world.

Isreal is left with little option but to retaliate with significant force. In a vain attempt to stave of the Hezbollah. One of the principle factors and I will hate myself for saying this, is the death of Sharon.

Such an Irony, that he should be the only one who may have put the fear into the surrounding militant groups. Now, it seems, they see that Isreal is becoming bogged down in Gaza and want to open a second front.

Many Isreali's, however, will be terrified of going back into Lebanon. Neither, I suspect, will Egypt, Syria and Jordan want this to get out of control (and who says it isn't already?).

This is not to mention the concern from the US, who rebuked the militants and asked Isreal to show 'restraint'.

What does 'restraint' mean at this point?

Extra-judicial assassination?

Using professional armies against a popular resistance?

Collective punishment?

Ethnic cleansing?

Where is the line drawn, in times when the USA can flagrantly disregard the conventions of the Geneva accord?

When is Isreal, America's little buddy in Arabia, going to stop taking loans from us and spending it on US and British made arms?

Why are we even discussing it? Why has no-one got the balls to stand up and be counted?

(I refer to our world 'leaders')

Why should we care?

Well, personally, I have a family involvement in the middle east, but just for the sake of human decency, we should care.

Besides, as the fascistic, religiously fervant, 'Neo-con' administration of the bankrupt state of America accelerates it's third world war plans, we are left as helpless sheep to the slaughter which must inevitably follow, should we, the people allegedly in power in our so-called democracies, allow it to continue.

Yes, I am in a bad mood.





14:35 Jul 12 2006
Times Read: 1,270

One of the things which I hold to in my life, my outpourings, rants and interactions with people, is my expression of genuine thought.

I say what is in my heart and on my mind at the time. I give opinions which I believe and I state my positions with honesty, though they may make me look a fool at a later date.

VR is a hard slog. I can't deny that I get a little stressed when I constantly have to delete such crap as the standard 'That’s interesting' posts. Not only that, but it took less than 15 minutes of being back, for someone to complain about my closing their thread. This person then had the gall to re-open the thread and send a complaint about it via the 'Request help' option.

This for me, is indicative of the attitude from many of the newer members. I don't appreciate teenagers that want to try and do my role, especially when they don't know what they are doing. But I do understand that this is all new and shiny and that they want to 'get involved' and perhaps falsely interpret the status system as a means to achieving true status within this community.

It's unfortunate that one of the defining factors of VR's success is that of the 'game' aspect. It's addictive, no doubt about that. But how are we to manage these people? Bully and cajole them? Offer them sweeteners?

To be frank, my patience is at an end with the bullshit that seems to be infecting the forums with greater purpose than it ever has. Were I a suspicious man, I'd say that there was a plot to undermine the fabric of VR members integrity of knowledge and experience.

I know I can be a dick and an ass. I act like a 'skinny pussy' sometimes, as one long gone member once called me. But these things are in contrast to the effort which I put in to keep the discussions free of inane commentary and flamings. Not to mention my own attempts to further the understanding of a myriad of topics.

I don't and can't know everything, but I am the type of person to try and understand that which is confusing, beguiling or even frightening.

This is why I am disappointed. At the sheer lack of effort from many, who seem to think that knowledge ought to be handed on a plate. It's pointless being spoon-fed. Unless one takes the time and effort to, perhaps driven by necessity, to learn for themselves, it really is a waste of energy to chase those that are unwilling to open their eyes and act for their own benefit.

Not only that, but when I attempt to engage many on a level of intellectualism that satisfies my own need, it is most often overlooked. Perhaps I am using too many big words, but I don't think so. I believe that this is due to a lack of participation, by those that have the depth of experience and understanding to impart, but refuse for whatever reasons.

A while back, before all this stupid psyche shit from Delphi, I approached a number of people, with ideas and offers of help and indeed, requests for help myself. I have given as honest an account of my opinions and situation as it was possible to.

What I have found is largely hypocrisy. Self-involved and self-styled 'experts' who have nothing better to respond with, than sweet nothings and vague assurances.

The more I learn about myself and this community, the more I find that those who propagate themselves as elders and teachers, fail to deliver on the responsibilities of the position of which they have been invested authority by their peers.

I have, on several occasions in the past year, extended my hand and opened my heart, stating what I understood to be the case at the time, only to be met with fierce reprisals, ignorance and at times, ridicule.

Add to this the extension of friendship which I applied to a select few that claimed to be honourable, with integrity of purpose, only to show me their true colours when they were faced with the difficult discussions.

The strangest thing is, that I am not bitter. Though this rant may seem as though I am wallowing in my misfortune, it is not. I simply wish to vent some frustrations that have built up over the past few months. I know who reads my journals and I also know that many of those which this is directed at will never read it, so it's purely a relief from grinding my teeth in private disconsolance, knowing that people who actually care and have similar opinions will be able to empathize.

The major disappointment, was being given the impression that I had made new and trustworthy friends, but instead finding that I was merely a tool for someone else to acheive their agenda.

I dislike being treated like a fool. But as a pacifist, I fear that perhaps my aversion to creating conflict leaves me open to manipulation. This is ok, because my eyes, or rather, my mind sees more than is probably realised.

This does remind me of an old friend from when I was a teenager. A curious story this.

Back then, we had a fairly chaotic social group, many of us into the bad shit of drugs and the like. A lot of backstabbing betrayals went on.

One of these friends went out to rip me off, over a period of months. I'm not stupid and I notice it straight away, but I care about this guy and while I am on my out of this depressive and addictive state, he is fully submerged and in a place that I wished to avoid.

So I let it slide. It's no biggie for me. But for him, it levelled a guilt which brought him to tears. Why was this? Why should a smack addict care a damn about ripping off a mate?

Probably because I fed and clothed him and offered a roof when he had nowhere to run to after robbing his parents. I could see that he was in trouble, but with my own situation and young age, wasn't really capable of doing anything more than offering a free hand of friendship, no conditions, no bullshit and only genuine concern for where he was headed, where he already was.

Later, he came to me after a few beers and couldn't get the words out to apologise. He knew that he was a fuck up and he clearly was sorrowful at betraying someone that he trusted.

While it wasn't a great situation for either of us, I still felt a desire to help him, even though I knew the terrible things he had done to me.

And they were terrible, personal hurts on occassion. Some of these things got us in trouble with the law and others left me physically and emotionally scarred.

But still, with all that, I could see the real person in there, the one that exists behind the illness, subsumed by a weight of psyche that he was unable to find a way out of. And with social workers and parents bearing down on him with constant criticism and little constructive efforts to help him break this cycle, he kept running away, not just from society, but from his own self. His demons were to strong for him to disperse himself.

I can see all of this at the same time as he was abusing our friendship. People would tell me what an awful shit he was and why I should stay away from him.

But who is the better person here? The one that punishes the person for a sickness and does nothing to try and resolve his issues? Or perhaps the one that suffers in order to hold even a small light to his darkness? Or is it himself, struggling to cope with a physical and psychological need, without a support structure sufficient to his real needs? One who has been cast adrift and left to work it all out for himself.

Maybe this is the right tactic. Sink or swim. Survive and get cleaned up, or die a junkie. Me, I made it out. He didn't. Why was that?

Because I reached a point where I could no longer support someone on a path to self-destruction. I had my own circumstances which dictated that I move away. After I left, he robbed his parents again and got sent down. I have no idea where he is now.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have any guilt complex over his fate, but I also do wonder if there was something more that could have been done to help him, since, for all his faults, he was little more than a boy facing a crazy fucked up world on his own.

Is there a moral to this rant? Perhaps the only one I can think of, is that people are never, ever as they originally seem, nor are they monsters because they want to be. People are brought to an attitude by their life events. Unfortunately, some of us suffer worse childhoods than others and for this, we should feel sympathy, perhaps even pity, as it is only humane to do so, despite whatever failings these people have.



17:32 Oct 08 2009

You have a sweet heart...that is who you really are and I love that about you. I always will.

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